January 25, 2013

Why Smile?

It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you smile.
So my hope & prayer is that you know I care.

It may be such a simple thing.
But it shines like a brilliant diamond ring.

Our lives may be filled with ups & downs.
But that’s no reason to give up & frown.

Your smile crosses cultures so it’s universal.
If you’re tired that’s okay since it needs no rehearsal.

Some things grow in value little by little, day by day.
But a smile is lost forever if you don’t give it away.

Adults seem to smile less & less every year.
But children smile more often & are prone to good cheer.

If life seems so hard that it makes you feel sad.
A smile changes everything & will make you feel glad.

There’s no way to buy it or receive it by plea.
But a smile makes you richer even though it is free.

There are people who need them, we must be aware.
So smile at your neighbors let them know that you care.

Sometimes we’re like engines in need of some grease.
Your smile can touch others with joy, love, & peace.

It’s really so simple you don’t need a degree.
Your smile blesses others, especially me. 


I was inspired to write this very early on Wednesday morning the 24th of March, 2010 as I became aware in a profound way that the looks on people’s faces either increase the physical pain I am already battling & make me feel worse OR something as simple as a smile lifts my soul & encourages me to be filled with joy, love, & peace!

I am truly humbled that in the midst of my suffering physically for so many years that I was able to be an encouragement to a friend & sister-in-CHRIST who asked my permission to print this poem & frame it so that she could be encouraged on a daily basis!

I dedicate this poem to my sweet & precious friend Julita who is now without any more pain or suffering & loving every second of being in the presence of our LORD & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!

I miss you so much Julita & I hope & pray that the smiles you brought to the lives of your family & friends would continue to make this world a better place!

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1 comment:

  1. Nancy Victoria .S7/14/13, 2:21 AM

    This poem is a blessing in many ways I just hope that every single time people read it get blessed in many ways n encouraged to smile more.Thanks n may God bless
